Data Visualization Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18101,327ruby-graphvizRuby/Graphviz provides an interface to layout and generate images of directed graphs in...
21,1281,451rails-erdAutomatically generate an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) for your Rails models.
31,1891,443chartkickCreate beautiful JavaScript charts with one line of Ruby
41,2413,746inspecInSpec provides a framework for creating end-to-end infrastructure tests. You can use i...
52,4023,280railroadyRuby on Rails model and controller UML class diagram generator. Originally based on the...
63,3753,692gruffBeautiful graphs for one or multiple datasets. Can be used on websites or in documents.
73,5374,292lazy_high_chartslazy_high_charts is leading edge rubyist render charts gem for displaying Highcharts gr...
85,3769,303jazz_fingersSpending hours in the ruby console? Spruce it up and show off those hard-working hands!...
914,63911,959geo_patternGenerate SVG beautiful patterns
10108,81155,375object_infoThis gem gives some informations about an object's context.